Dr Nic Campione and podcast host Dr Travis Holland

Episode 18: Teaching Dinosaurs!

If there’s one thing that will spark an interest in palaeontology, it might just be finding 450 million-year-old fossil as a child. That’s exactly what happened to Dr Nic Campione. Nic is originally from Canada but is now a Senior Lecturer in Earth Sciences (Palaeontology) at the University of New England in Australia. Nic tells the story of his childhood fossil find and talks about his approach to teaching troublesome palaeontology students like your host, Dr Travis Holland.


Dr Nic Campione’s UNE profile: https://www.une.edu.au/staff-profiles/ers/dr-nicolas-campione

Dr Nic Campione’s research publications https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=DIilDo0AAAAJ&hl=en

UNE’s Undergraduate Certificate in Palaeontology https://www.une.edu.au/study/courses/undergraduate-certificate-in-palaeontology